It is the mission of Jackson Holbrook Little League to bring the Little League Experience to as many youth in Jackson Township as possible. Little League is a nonprofit organization providing organized baseball and softball for young people between the ages of 4 & 18. It is the only organization of its kind to have the official support of the United States Government in the form of a federal charter. Little League has become the world’s largest organized youth sports program. In the span of just six decades, Little League grew from three teams to nearly 200,000 teams, in all 50 US States and more than 80 Countries.
Such efforts are not possible without the support of local businesses in the form of sponsorship's and other donations. In this regard, we would truly appreciate your participation in support of the youth in our township for the upcoming season. Please read the Sponsorship Options below and contact (Laura Kirk), our league fund raising agent with regards to your selection and any questions that you may have.
MVP Sponsor - $500
The MVP Sponsor receives a Field Named after them. Field Sponsorship Banner prominently located at the entrance to one of our eight fields (Justice and/or 527 Complex), their corporate link placed on the JLL website, a Sponsor Plaque to be hung on their business wall and a Full Team Sponsorship on players jerseys. LIMITED AVAILABILITY
World Series Sponsor - $300
The World Series Sponsor receives a 4 x 6 sign in the outfield of one of our five fields (Justice and/or 527 Complex), their corporate link placed on the JLL website, a Sponsor Plaque to be hung on their business wall and a Full Team Sponsorship on players jerseys
Home Run Sponsor - $200
The Home Run Sponsor receives their Corporate Link Placed on the JLL website, a Sponsor Plaque to be hung on their business wall, and a Full Team Sponsorship on players jerseys.
Friends of JLL Sponsor - $100
The Friends of JLL Sponsor receives their Name listed on a sign located at the JLL headquarters at 527 as well as on the JLL website.
As always, the Jackson Little League is grateful for your ongoing support and dedication to the children of Jackson Township.